Treasured by Holly

light box

What a difference a click makes...

Holly Pitcher1 Comment
It's always amazing to me the amount of information we have at our fingertips. Type in two little words and you have pages upon pages of information. My two little words this week...Light Box. I was able to choose between hundreds of tutorials and the one I chose was awesome. It was easy to read and after only a couple hours I had built a somewhat exact replica. The only frustrating part was trying to locate the right light bulbs because they do make a world of difference. At first I thought I had purchased correctly until I started taking pictures and got all depressed when they came out horrible. It took me three stores, but I found the right ones at Target (love that store) of all places.

The finished box...

I just can't believe what a difference it makes with my products. Here's a before...

and after...

The colors are so true to the actual product, at least on my monitor, I can't get enough of it. The hard part now is to re-take all of my pictures. It's a little time consuming, but I'm having so much fun I hardly notice. So here's 3 cheers to the Internet for making all of our lives a little easier!

Gearing Up

Holly Pitcher1 Comment
When your a member of Etsy you can sign up to receive newsletters. One that I signed up for is on tips and tricks for selling.

The topic in this weeks newsletter was on photography. A topic in which I always find fascinating. It talked about how important your macro setting is and the ability to have the perfect lighting/setting for your pictures. People want to get up close and personal to the item since they can not physically touch it. The one major thing I took from the article was how having a light box can drastically improve the look of a product. So in order to drastically improve my look I set out to Walmart to purchase what I needed to make my own. I am chuckling at this very moment just thinking about it. I can build things with wood, but a little cardboard scares me, lol. Wish me luck!